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Presentation Folders: A Versatile Tool Post Pandemic

Printed presentation folders are a great tool that your business can utilise to make a desired impression and support your business efforts following the Covid-19 lockdown.

It is clear that the Covid-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on the business world, but it has also demonstrated how organisations have been innovative and adaptable to overcome challenges.

We have been working with a variety of clients over recent months, helping them to utilise innovative and intelligent print solutions to overcome new challenges. One of these solutions has included printed presentation folders.

Presentation folders are a versatile tool that can help you make an impact even if you will not be meeting clients or prospects face-to-face as regularly.

They can be used to support you across a range of business areas, from your meetings and networking events, through to sending out product samples to potential clients.

Support your Virtual Events

Although many are now returning to work and business is resuming, it seems many of the habits and changes made as a result of the lockdown look as though they will be sticking around.

The future landscape of the business world is changing; take virtual meetings and events as an example.

With the pandemic having forced many businesses to take their events, meetings and sales pitches online, many have now realised the benefits this has to offer and are now looking to integrate this into how they continue working in the future.

This is great, but one question it raises is ‘How do you still make a great impression and impact now you are no longer meeting face-to-face as frequently?’.

You can tailor a folder based on the nature of the event and easily add in the relevant content, so your delegates will be provided with everything they need to follow along with the event online.

With a slick and professional feel and finish, presentation folders make it easy for you to still make a great impression from afar and show off your company’s branding in a way that will help prospects remember you.

Support Employee Engagement and Onboarding

Presentation folders can play a key role in engaging with your teams and potential new employees.

If you have been remotely recruiting new employees, or this is something you may look at doing in the future, presentation folders are perfect to use as welcome packs for your new employees that have been recruited remotely and will continue working remotely.

With the help of design, they will allow you to still make a great impression and impact with your new employees and communicate your company culture, vision, values and ethos in a powerful and engaging way.

We can even work with you to personalise each folder to the individual, adding that personal touch to make even more of an impact and helping them to feel like a recognised and valued member of the team from the offset, despite not working within the office.

Presentation folders are not just great for your new employees, you can also utilise this print solution as a way to provide your existing team members with everything they need whilst working remotely, helping to maintain productivity.

It helps you to communicate and reinforce your culture despite individuals working outside of the office environment, which is important to help keep your employees engaged and feel like part of the team.

A great sales tool

Due to the nature of a presentation folder, they are much more versatile than a product brochure or leaflet. You can easily take out and slip in new inserts into the folder when needed, without the need for a reprint, making them a cost effective solution.

This versatility is particularly important in the current climate.

We know that many businesses have had to refine services and products. If this is the case for your business, have you considered how you will communicate this and market your new or refined services in a socially distanced world?

Investing in printed presentation folders gives you the ability to create a marketing resource that is relevant for your current situation and then easily make changes as and when you need to, say when you are able to offer more services again when supply is more readily available or demand increases.

The ability to tailor each sales pack easily to suit your target audience also makes this type of print a cost effective solution that will deliver the desired result.

With folders, you can easily take out the inserts from the folder that aren’t applicable to that particular client, or you can easily add in more inserts of products/services more relevant to them.

If you would like to find out more about how you can utilise printed presentation folders within your business, we’d be happy to discuss this with you.

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